
Centimetres to Millimetres

Centimetres to Millimetres is a unit conversion that involves converting a measurement in centimetres to its equal in millimetres.

Centimetres (cm) and millimetres (mm) are both units of length measurement. To convert from cm to mm, multiply the number of cm by 10. For example, if you have 10 cm, multiply 10 by 10 to get 100 mm.

Key points

  1. One (1) centimetre equals ten (10) millimetres.
  2. Centimeters are larger units of measurement than millimetres.
  3. To convert from centimetres to millimetres, multiply the number of centimetres by 10.
  4. To convert the reverse from millimetres to centimetres, divide the millimetres by 10.
  5. Centimeters and millimetres are both units of length measurement in the metric system.

Frequently asked questions

How do u convert from cm to mm?

To convert from centimetres to millimetres, multiply the number of centimetres by 10.

What size is 2 cm in MM?

2 centimetres is equal to 20 millimetres.