400 mm to cm
Millimetres to Centimetres Conversion

This is a conversion of two length units.
This is a metric system unit and a Millimetre unit of measure (or mm for short).
This is a metric system unit and a Centimetre unit of measure (or cm for short).
Millimetres and centimetres both have their importance. This is because they will convert from each other with ease.
This page will provide an easy-to-understand conversion of 400 millimetres to centimetres. Which includes formulas and tables. We aim to help everyone understand the differences between mm and cm. And how to convert from one unit of measure to the other.
Converting millimetres into centimetres is a common mathematical task. It's a conversion that is easy to understand once you get the hang of it. Yet, it can be unclear for those starting their math journey.
Not only do we give you the answer on how to convert 400 millimetres, but we also provide you with the formula.
Continue for the formula and more information
400 Millimetres to Centimetres conversion
The 400 mm to cm answer:
40 Centimetres
How to convert 400 mm to cm
Convert 400 mm with a conversion factor of 100
millimetres = centimetres * 100
millimetres = 400 * 100
40 millimetres
For the question, what are 400 millimetres in centimetres? The answer is 40 centimetres.
How to convert 400 millimetres to other metric sizes
- Convert 400 mm to cm with a conversion factor of 10 is 40 cm.
- Convert 400 mm to m with a conversion factor of 100 is 0.4 m.
- Convert 400 mm to km with a conversion factor of 1000 is 0.0004 km.
Millimetres to Centimetres
How to convert any millimetre length to centimetres?
When converting a larger length unit to a smaller one, you multiply. When you convert a smaller unit to a larger one, you divide.
We are looking to convert millimetres to centimetres.
A millimetre is a smaller unit of measure than a centimetre. Thus, for millimetres, we would be multiplying to get our answer.
The formula used to convert millimetres to centimetres is:
The distance (d) in millimetres (mm) is equal to the distance (d) in centimetres (cm) multiplied by 100.
d(cm) = d(mm) * 100
d(cm) = 400(mm) * 100
So for the question, what is 400 millimetres in centimetres? Our answer is 40 centimetres cm.
How to convert any centimetre length to millimetres?
The same principle applies above. When converting a larger length unit to a smaller one, you multiply. When you convert a smaller length unit to a larger one, you divide.
Here we are looking to convert centimetres to millimetres. Which is the opposite of the above example.
A centimetre is a larger unit of measure than a millimetre. Thus, for centimetres, we would be dividing to get our answer.
The formula used to convert centimetres to millimetres is:
The distance (d) in millimetres (mm) is equal to the distance (d) in centimetres (cm) divided by 100.
d(mm) = d(cm) / 100
d(mm) = 40(cm) / 100
So for the question, what is 40 centimetres in millimetres? Our answer is 400 mm.
Tips for Making Converting Process Easier
To make the process even easier, try using visual aids such as rulers or tape measures. If you have a ruler with millimetre and centimetre markings. It will be easier to measure things in a suitable unit.
If you need to work with numbers that are very large. It can be helpful to use a calculator or spreadsheet software like Google Sheets. These tools will do all the calculations for you! But you want our converter website.
Millimetres to Centimetres Conversion Tables
Convert 400 mm to standard lengths
This table provides a quick way to convert 400 mm into other lengths.
Conversion | Answer |
400 mm to mm | 400 mm |
400 mm to cm | 40 cm |
400 mm to m | 0.4 m |
400 mm to km | 0 km |
Convert mm to cm other lengths
This table will help you convert other mm lengths into cm.
Conversion | Answer |
0.01 mm to cm | 0.001 cm |
0.1 mm to cm | 0.01 cm |
1 mm to cm | 0.1 cm |
10 mm to cm | 1 cm |
100 mm to cm | 10 cm |
1000 mm to cm | 100 cm |
10000 mm to cm | 1000 cm |
Metric System Definitions
What is a Millimetre?
A millimetre is a unit of length in the metric system. It is equal to one-thousandth of a metre in the International System of Units (SI). It was also known as the metric system.
The prefix "milli" indicates one-thousandth of a unit. Which makes a millimetre one-thousandth of a metre. It is one of the smallest length measurements in the metric system. It is often used when measuring small objects or distances.
An example of when we use millimetres is when measuring the thickness of the paper. Or the diameter of small objects like coins or screws.
The metric system is the primary measurement system in Australia.
The United States is one of the few countries that do not use the metric system. Yet, the use of millimetres is growing in popularity as more people become familiar with it. It is spelt millimeter in the united states. The millimetre length is approximately equal to 0.039 inches.
What is a Centimetre?
The centimetre (also spelt centimeter in the USA) is a unit of length in the metric system. Equal to one-hundredth of a metre in the International System of Units (SI).
The prefix "centi" indicates one-hundredth of a unit. Which makes a centimetre one-hundredth of a metre.
It is larger than a millimetre and is usually used for measuring larger objects or distances.
An example of using centimetres is when measuring an object's circumference. Or the size of something like furniture or clothing.
The centimetre (cm) is often used in everyday life. Many countries worldwide have adopted the metric system, including Australia!
The centimetre length is approximately equal to 0.3937 inches.